More Stretch Goals Revealed!
about 5 years ago
– Thu, Feb 06, 2020 at 05:54:57 AM
We've been very busy behind the scenes, finishing up some of the items we've been planning for upcoming Stretch Goals. We can now reveal the next batch and talk over them a little bit...
The Satyrs with Spears and the Satyr Leader are very close to being unlocked as Add-Ons, and after that we're on to a lovely big batch of FREE stuff!
When we reach 320 backers (only 28 away from now) we will be able to give a PDF of the core Mortal Gods rulebook to EVERYONE (all the backers, that is). We feel this is a great way for those who are not already playing Mortal Gods a look at the mechanics of the game itself for no risk. The other important items in the starter set – Omen Cards, dice, and pebbles – will be made available separately in the BackerKit pledge manager after the campaign.
When we reach £27,000, we'll be able to give every backer one of these excellent Sacrificial Altars if they have pledge £70 or more, completely FREE! The Altar is non-denominational, and can be decorated in a manner befitting your chosen deity. There are no rules for the Altar, but it can definitely be used as an objective marker for your games!
When we reach £29,000, we'll give a special gift to all backers who have pledged £100 or more. These backers will receive two severed Hydra heads for FREE, perfect for tracking damage to your Hydra, or as objective markers to collect.
When we reach £31,000, we'll give each backer with a pledge of £130 or higher this most wonderful of objective markers, THE Golden Fleece, absolutely FREE! This piece could certainly be the focal point of a raid mission, pitting Jason and his Argonauts, and the forces of Hades, Hera, or Zeus.
We also plan to make these great objective markers available at a later date (possibly the pledge manager), but someone who pledges £130 or more by the end of the campaign is guaranteed to get all three for free!
And then the last thing to reveal at this time is the mighty Minotaur!
Trish is working hard to complete the Minotaur, which is looking fantastic at the moment. That snarling face is wonderful. When our friend Dave saw this shot he immediately rated this Minotaur as superior to the Minotaur Lord that Trish sculpted for Games Workshop in 1997, the model that hooked him on collecting a Warhammer Beastman army back in the day. Our friend Yann, known for his puns and "dad jokes" asked: "What do you call a sleeping Minotaur?" "A bull dozer!"
The Minotaur will be on a 60mm base, not quite as tall as Medusa, but certainly with more muscle, and will fit nicely into a number of Mythic warbands.
We'll bring you more on the Minotaur as Trish completes it, but please feel free to grab the photo at the top of the page and share it around. Another 100 or so backers could definitely have this beast really seeing the light of day.
Mark, and the Footsore Team
A little sneak peek at the Temple Guard (and the Cast Dice podcast)!
about 5 years ago
– Thu, Feb 06, 2020 at 05:54:52 AM
All of the "greens" for the Temple Guard leaders and accessories are currently winging their way to Footsore HQ right now, so we thought it would be a good time to show off a couple of images we've had in from Stavros.
The first (above) shows the three different Temple Guard Leaders. From left to right we have Hades, Zeus, and Hera. Each of these leaders will also come equipped with a shield bearing their faction icon.
The second photo (above) shows the four different heads for the Hades-themed Temple Guard, with those skull shapes lovingly hammered into the metal helmets. Very lovely stuff!
We'll have some more photos later in the week once the models have arrived and we've put them into the master molds and so on, but we can confirm (for those that have been asking) the "contents" of the 9-model, god-themed Temple Guard units: 1 Leader model with shield, one sprue of Hoplites (8 models), 8 heads (2 of each design), and 8 shields for the Hoplites.
We're almost at the "Free Mortal Gods rules PDF" stretch goal, and well on the way to the Sacrificial Altar. Keep sharing this around and talking with your friends about the campaign. We'd love to get to that Minotaur!
Cast Dice Podcast
Additionally, George and I sat down with Brad at the Cast Dice podcast to talk about Mortal Gods: Mythic. We hope you enjoy the conversation, found HERE.
Mark, and the Footsore Team.
300 Backers! And a look at some sample Lochos
about 5 years ago
– Thu, Feb 06, 2020 at 05:54:50 AM
Huzzah! We have made it to 300 backers. Only 20 more and everyone gets a free PDF copy of the Mortal Gods rules.
To get your thoughts flowing, we thought we'd share this piece from Mythic co-author George Asling, who posted it on the Moral Gods Facebook group, which you can join HERE. Take it away, George...
"Today, I thought, would be a good day to have a look at some 500 point example army lists that can be constructed with the miniatures and rules on offer through the Mortal Gods Mythic Kickstarter. As we have passed the free card pack stretch goal all the rules needed to play these example forces are included in the cost breakdown.
496 Point Hera Lochos
This is a very fast list that makes best use of the synergy of the 3 Sisters and the quick but deadly Harpies.
Priestess of Hera - 50 pts
Medusa - 90 pts
Stheno - 80 pts
Euryale - 82 pts
Harpy group - 37 pts
Harpy group - 37 pts
Temple Guard group - 40 pts
Temple Guard group - 40 pts
Temple Guard group - 40 pts
This Lochos is available through the Kickstarter by pledging at the Devoted of Hera pledge level (£125) and increasing your pledge to include an extra base of harpies (£18) so the total amount to be pledged would be £143.
495 Point Hades Lochos
The relentless tide of skeletons backed by the unstoppable might of the hydra make this list incredibly fun and rewarding.
Priest of Hades - 60 pts
Fallen Hero - 45 pts
Hydra - 100 pts
Temple Guard group - 40 pts
Temple Guard group - 40 pts
Temple Guard group - 40 pts
Skeleton Archer group - 25 pts
Skeleton Archer group - 25 pts
Skeleton Warrior group - 20 pts
Skeleton Warrior group - 20 pts
Skeleton Warrior group - 20 pts
Skeleton Warrior group - 20 pts
Skeleton Warrior group - 20 pts
This Lochos is available through the kickstarter by pledging at the devoted of Hades Level starting at £110. This pledge level contains everything needed for the above Lochos with a few skeletons to spare.
497 Point Zeus Lochos
The might of Zeus shows in this tough and all-round Lochos
Priest of Zeus - 50 pts
Centaur Hero - 80 pts
Cyclops - 100 pts
Centaur - 55 pts
Wild Centaur Archer - 46 pts
Wild Centaur Archer - 46 pts
Temple Guard group - 45 pts
Satyr group - 35 pts
Satyr Archer group - 40 pts
This Lochos is available through the kickstarter by pledging at the Devoted of Zeus Level starting at £140 and increasing the pledge to include two bases of Satyr (£14) for a total of £154. If you don’t fancy the Satyrs you can always swap them out for more temple guard or centaurs and cover the Lochos with just the Devoted pledge level.
463 (37 for gifts) Point Jason and the Argonauts Lochos
The big man himself, capable of tackling the largest beasts he is a force to be reckoned with. The Heroes & Demigods card deck includes a lot of gifts to make your regular warriors even more heroic, so I have left space to include them in this force.
Jason - 100 pts
Atalanta - 60 pts
Orpheus - 50 pts
Argonaut group - 50 pts
Argonaut group - 50 pts
Experienced Hoplite group - 40 pts
Experienced Hoplite group - 40 pts
Peltast group - 38 pts
Slinger/Archer group - 35
This Lochos is available through our Kickstarter by pledging at the Jason and the Argonauts level and increasing your pledge to include an extra base of Argonauts (£10) and a Hero card pack (£10) for a total of £30. If you do not already have any of the core Greek warriors included in the force they are all available in the core starter box which can be added to your pledge for £35.
I hope you like this quick look at some example Lochoi using the miniatures and rules available from our kickstarter. As ever ask away and we will be happy to answer any questions you may have. If you would like me to do more of these let me know below and I will see what I can do!"
Thanks for that, George. Great food for thought.
Mark, and the Footsore Team
Our second Stretch Goal has fallen!
about 5 years ago
– Mon, Jan 27, 2020 at 08:52:58 AM
Welcome to all the backers who joined us overnight! Thank you for helping us build this incredible range of Monsters & Heroes!
George has been busy taking photos for us so that we can show you this great "Size Comparison Chart" (Note: the ruler is in centimetres) which also shows off these massive beasts alongside a standard hoplite. From left to right we have: Hydra, Cyclops, Medusa, Euryale, Stheno, Harpies, and Jason.
Now that the campaign has reached £18,000 we can add our Satyrs with Bows to the Add-Ons (at £7 per pack of 3), and announce our next Stretch Goal! We know a lot of you are very keen to use these models in your games of Mortal Gods: Mythic so, when we reach £21,000, we will give the appropriate deck of cards (and the Mythic rules supplement) to everyone who backs at the Devoted pledge levels (whether metal/resin or resin). If you have backed at the Devoted of Zeus level, you will now also receive the deck of cards for Zeus, Master of Gods & Men, AND the Mythic supplement absolutely FREE!
That's not all, however. If you have backed at The Pantheon! level, we will give you ALL FOUR decks of cards (Hades, Hera, Zeus, and Heroes & Demigods) plus the Mythic supplement for FREE when we reach this new Stretch Goal. So, make sure you spread the word about Mortal Gods: Mythic, bring more people to the campaign, and get more stuff! It's that simple.
See the Hydra in videos!
You can now see Gerry (from the OnTableTop team) unboxing the Hydra on OTT. Check it out here:
If you would like to see James Wappel get stuck into the Hydra, he'll be painting it this evening (Central US time) on his YouTube channel, here:
Thanks for your support!
Mark, and the Footsore team.
The first Stretch Goal has been achieved!
about 5 years ago
– Sun, Jan 26, 2020 at 02:33:14 PM
Thank you all, again! We have now reached the first of our Stretch Goals and a pack of three Satyrs will be added to the Add-Ons section at £7 per pack (will later retail at £8)!
Our next Stretch Goal will be adding another pack of Satyrs, this time with bows, to the Add-Ons. As the Satyrs fall within the faction devoted to Zeus (Master of Gods and Men), we thought it would be only appropriate to show off this wonderful image (above) of the Cyclops striding into battle flanked by Centaurs and a Priest of Zeus.
Mark, and the Footsore Team